Capital of Culture 2017 – Aarhus

Tonight opens the culture capital of 2017 – Aarhus – my hometown. It will be a year filled with concerts, shows, entertainment, music, acting etc…can’t wait to consume it all…congratulations Aarhus…proud to be here.

Nudging works…

They have been there for a while but passing it regularly it just occurred to me yesterday that they actually work. Smokers are using them extensively thus serving their purpose. Nudging is a interesting theory to influence behavior and here having a cigarette like ash tray seems to do the mind trick. 

Extreme sailing…

Having the rudder under my control here at yesterday’s racing event in Aarhus, Denmark. The catamaran boats came to my city to race for 3 days. The Battle of Aarhus with very fast boats that can achieve speeds up to 40 knots. Amazing acceleration as well…and it only weighs 500 kg in total.

Great experience if you are into to sailing.


Sea life…

Came across this beautiful sea anemone yesterday on a dive. Underwater flora is fantastic and colorful and proves that water is one of the most important resources we have. We must protect the ocean at all costs.

MTB marathon DM cup 2016

What a spectacular ride yesterday in the forests of Aarhus. The weather was perfect – the trail was crisp and dry – only your fitness could fail on this beautiful day…

I simply enjoy participating in this race every year…see you there in 2017🚴 💨 

(Photo: Aarhus MTB)